An Essential Beauty Companion!

92 masque ete 2015

Hydrating Cold Mask #92

This mask is pure delight!

Cold weather and climate changes can cause all skin types to become dehydrated—S.O.S!

The Hydrating and Refreshing Cold Mask from Maria Galland Laboratories, Paris, is an indispensable companion for quickly and effectively addressing skin dehydration.

How I Use It:

Simply apply a thin layer, let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse and follow up with your usual skincare routine—toner and moisturizer.

The result is instantaneous! Your skin feels fresh, hydrated, and smooth!

For a more intensive treatment, apply a medium layer (just enough so that the skin is barely visible underneath) and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing.

This mask can even be used daily when the skin is severely dehydrated.

With free collagen and hyaluronic acid, this formula is packed with highly effective active ingredients that deliver WOW-worthy results!


Maria Galland, Paris is available at estheticians, beauty institutes, and authorized spas.

For more information:
Quebec & Maritimes Distributor – Groupe CH Maria Galland
📞 (450) 971-7171 or contact me below.

Liv Beauté & Spa Écrit par:
Liv Beauté & Spa